

Come and see one of coolest looking creatures of the water, salp, at Zootastic Zoo! By sucking in water and pushing it out of its backside, salp flows elegantly through the water. Phytoplankton simply give way to this invisible and tiny creature. Oxygen is skillfully extracted from the quick flowing water. Salps have their insides glowing vibrant colors. In addition, they don't have brains, hearts or lungs. Hundreds of new salp are born into the tank every week, through sexual or asexual production. So many that it's impossible to name them all! This jewel of the ocean is ready to be viewed in the oceans section of Zootasic Zoo!

Saltwater Angelfish

Come and see these saltwater beauties. Saltwater angelfish are very colorful and there are more than 80 kinds. Angelfish are mostly small (8 in), but some are a little bigger. Last weekend, two of the flame angelfish had a little fry, a baby fish, named Sunset because of his red-orange scales. Sunset is growing up fast and learning many things from his parents, Raspberry and Fire. So, come on over and visit they florescent fish in the ocean part of Zootastic.

Olive Ridley Seaturtle

 On May 1st, our female, olive ridley sea turtle laid her eggs and are planned to hatch June 19. We are holding a one of a kind event where each person can come at 6:00pm on June 22 and pay $15 dollars to take a baby sea turtle to the water. Olive ridleys sea turtles usually hatch at night because if they hatch in the day and try walking to the ocean they will over heat and stop moving. So stop by so you can experience this one in a life time event. A fun fact about the olive ridley sea turtles is that in cold water they will not be able to move and will float to the top of the water.